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Claire has just returned from the USA where she completed an intensive course in Animal Chiropractic, at Options for Animals, the longest running Animal Chiro school in the word. 

She is registered with the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association which requires continuing education, to ensure the practitioners skills and knowledge are up to date. 


Who we treat

Claire is trained to treat horses and dogs. 

Dogs can be family pets, working, sporting, support/service, and show dogs.

Horses can be eventing, mustering, sporting or pets. 

Both dogs and horses will need to be able to follow basic commands and show no aggression. 


Booking an appointment

For the animal's comfort, and (logistically for horses!) this is a mobile service. Animals are more relaxed in their home environments and will be more responsive to treatment. 

If your dog is happy to come to me, there is a little area out the back of West End Chiro that I can use :) 

See the website for details

*Please note you will need to be there to assist in handling the animal during the treatment*

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